Justin Jordan Whitaker

Justin Jordan Whitaker

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Please enjoy our journey with us...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Purnululu- The Bungle Bungle

Purnululu –The Bungle Bungle

Cathedral Gorge

The Domes

Echidna Chasm

Mini Palms walk

Kungkalahayi Lookout

“If the visitors pick up a rock from the ceremonial ground they get sick, if they pick up something and take it somewhere they get very sick and they might die; might get paralysed and won’t walk. Unless they are initiated to go into that place it is dangerous for them to go in there” Shirley Drill Kija elder

The land & area all around here has a lot of aboriginal cultural significance, there are a lot of places that are sacred to them where we cannot go, I respect that. I hope that ,in time more of the stories will be told to us, so that we can share in the dreaming too There is so much we can learn from the indigenous people & their ways with nature, land, animals, food, medicinal herbs, healings & beliefs.

To get into the park it is 53km of rough, windy dirt road, it takes about 2.5 hrs.I got car-sick on the way back, I have never had this in my life-not fun ….and I promise you I did not take any of the rocks!

We were lucky to get in this day as people left to go in the following day & were turned back by helicopter as it had rained overnight & the road was closed.

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